Unique 3-in-1 Ethernet and Fibre Channel Test and Monitoring Solutions
Aukua's MGA2510 and XGA4250 platforms operate as a powerful Ethernet traffic generator, or connect transparently inline as a protocol analyzer and traffic monitoring system, or as a Ethernet and Fibre Channel network impairment emulator.
The Traffic Generator and Analyzer supports Bit Error Rate (BER) testing, throughput testing, precise latency measurement analysis and impairment jamming.
The Inline Capture and Protocol Analyzer connects transparently inline in the network or test-bed helping our customers detect and resolve complex issues, capture traffic, or analyze throughput and error conditions in real-time.
The Ethernet Network Impairment Emulator and Fibre Channel SAN Delay Emulator connect inline in the test-bed helping our customers recreate network delay and impairments, in the lab, for more realistic performance testing.