Aukua Traffic Generator and Analyzer

The Aukua Ethernet Traffic Generator is an easy to use purpose-built Ethernet test system for R&D, Test and Support engineers for stressing, validating, troubleshooting and debugging.

  • First 10M, 100M, 1G, 2.5G, 5G, 10G, 25G Multigigabit Ethernet capable traffic generator and analyzer
  • Bit Error Rate Testing (BERT), Throughput testing and Latency measurement or monitoring
  • PCAP Player enables precise playback of any pcap file with time-based bandwidth control
  • Impairment jamming for functional and performance validation under real-world scenarios
  • Supports testing of Energy Efficient Ethernet (EEE) or IEEE 802.3az capable devices.
    Request our EEE Application Note to learn more.

Supported Interfaces

• 5000BASE-R, 2500BASE-R
• 5000BASE-X, 2500BASE-X, 1000BASE-X, 100BASE-FX
• 1000BASE-T, 100BASE-TX and 10BASE-T
Automotive Ethernet:
  10GBASE-T1, 5GBASE-T1, 2.5GBASE-T1, 1000BASE-T1,
  100BASE-T1, 10BASE-T1S, and optical 1000BASE-RH
• USXGMII (10.3125Gbps), SGMII


• 100% line rate multi-stream packet generation
• Nanosecond precision latency measurement
• +/-500ppm transmit clock control
• Layer 1, 2 and 3 Bit Error Ratio (BER) testing
  Request our BER Application Note
• Create short IPGs as well as runt and jumbo packets
  (including IMIX packet length control)
• Real-world impairment jamming

Flexibility and Simplicity

• Intuitive browser-based user interface
• Comprehensive API for automation
• Real-time custom statistics
• Full bit by bit control for custom packet definitions
• Optional Inline Capture and Protocol Analyzer
   and Network Impairment Emulator modes

Traffic Generator and Analyzer HTML5 GUI HTML5 GUI (no client software install)
Automation through RESTful API

Hardware Platforms


  Product Brief:  MGA2510 Traffic Generator and Analyzer

  Product Brief:  XGA4250 Traffic Generator and Analyzer

  Application Note:  Bit Error Ratio (BER) and Frame Error Ratio (FER) Testing

  Application Note:  Energy Efficient Ethernet (EEE) Testing

  Solution Brief:  Automotive Ethernet Testing

  Solution Brochure:  Aukua MGA2510 3-in-1 Ethernet Test and Monitoring System

  Solution Brochure:  Aukua XGA4250 3-in-1 Ethernet Test and Monitoring System